NAICOM announces changes in offices
By Ngozi Onyeakusi….

In an effort aimed at repositioning the Commission for better service delivery, management of the National Insurance Commission (NAICOM) has announced the following changes in the headship of Directorates and Departments.
According to the commission, Mr. Olufemi Oba who was previously the Director, Supervision is now director Finance & Accounts, and Mr. Barineka Thompson, who was previously Directir Inspectorate is now
Director Supervision
Others are Mr. Pius Agboola formerly Director Auth. & Policy now hold the post of Director,Inspectorate, Mr. Leonard Akah previously Head, Corp. Governance is presently Ag. Director, Auth. & Policy, Mr. Ahmad Adamu who was before now Head, Enforcement & Compliance is presently Head, Complaint Bureau, Mr. Monday FarunaAdaji
who was previously the Head, Inspectorate Lagos is now Head, Internal Audit while Mr. Kamal Barde who before now was the Head, Internal Audit presently holds the post of AD Supervision
A total of 23 other Staff in the rank of Assistant Director and below have also been redeployed. All transfers are with immediate effect, said the commission.
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