By Ngozi Onyeakusi

One of popular Chinese actresses, Fan Bingbing, on Wednesday fined millions of yuan for tax evasion by country’s tax authorities.

The amount imposed on the actress as fine was not made public by the authorities.

It would be recalled that the Chinese government had in July hinted that an investigation in possible cases of tax evasion by famous film and television actors in the country was ongoing, resulting in Fan Bingbing being publicly accused of hiding part of her earnings.

Xinhua, the official news agency of the Chinese government, had reported Wednesday that “Fan Bingbing has been ordered to pay taxes and fines worth hundreds of millions of yuan for tax evasion.”

Fan, 36, is one of the most successful Chinese actors and has also appeared in big-budget Hollywood movies, having played the role of the super heroine Blink in “X Men: Days of Future Past.”

In what appears to justify the fine imposed on the actress, she reportedly disappeared from social media and not made any public appearance since July after a colleague accused her of falsifying bills in May.

This spurred speculation that she might have been detained over tax evasion charges, although the authorities did not confirm her arrest.

Curiously, a popular television anchor, Cui Yongyuan, was quoted as claiming that in a collaboration with him, Fan officially charged and declared an income of 10 million yuan ($1.45 million) to the authorities but was secretly paid another 50 million yuan more