Quadrant MSL, a leading  strategic communication and public relation communications agency under Insight Redefini Group,  has  announced the appointment of Chidinma Nwankwo as the new Head of Business/Chief Operating Officer. Chidinma brings with her a wealth of experience and a proven track record in brand management, public relation and strategic communication,  business development, and value creation within the marketing and strategic communications industry.






Chidinma Nwankwo

    Head of Business/COO, Quadrant MSL



Chdinma Nwankwo is no stranger to success, her multidisciplinary skill set encompasses public relation, branding,  strategic communication, traditional and digital media solutions, business development, marketing and talent development. She is a distinguished member of professional bodies including the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply Chain UK (MCIPS), the Chartered Institute of Marketing UK (CIM), and an Associate Member of ARCON (ARPA). Chidinma also holds an MBA at Nexford University in the United States, and a Bachelor of Science in Economics honors from Enugu State University of Science and Technology.


Commenting on the appointment, Tayo Oyedeji, Group CEO of Insight Redefini, said, “We are delighted to welcome Chidinma Nwankwo to the Quadrant MSL family. Her wealth of experience, strategic mindset, and proven leadership capabilities makes her the perfect fit for this role. We are fully confident that Chidinma will play a pivotal role in driving our strategic goals and further enhancing our service delivery to clients.”


Chidinma Nwankwo’s appointment reflects Quadrant MSL’s commitment to fostering talent and driving innovation in marketing communications. Her expertise will play a pivotal role in advancing the agency’s growth and delivering exceptional value to clients.


Opinion Piece for World PR Day (July 16th)

Unlocking the Power of Strategic Communication in a Digital World

By Chidinma Nwankwo, Head of Business and Chief Operating Officer at Quadrant MSL


As we celebrate World PR Day, it’s an opportune moment to reflect on the transformative power of strategic communication in today’s digital landscape. Over the past decade, I’ve had the privilege of navigating the evolving world of PR, Media, and Strategic communications, and I’ve witnessed firsthand how digital advancements have revolutionized the way we engage with audiences, build brands, and drive business growth.


The essence of PR has always been about storytelling—crafting compelling narratives that resonate with people and foster trust. However, the digital era has amplified our ability to tell these stories in more dynamic and interactive ways. Social media, digital content, and data analytics have become indispensable tools in our PR toolkit, enabling us to reach broader audiences with precision and impact.


One of the most significant shifts I’ve observed is the move towards real-time engagement. In the past, PR efforts were often reactive, responding to events after they happened. Today, thanks to digital platforms, we can engage with our audiences in real-time, shaping conversations as they unfold. This immediacy has transformed PR from a reactive function to a proactive, strategic discipline.


At Quadrant MSL, we leverage the power of digital media to create immersive brand experiences. Whether it’s through innovative social media campaigns, data-driven content strategies, or real-time crisis management, we ensure that our clients’ stories are heard and felt across multiple touchpoints. This holistic approach not only enhances brand visibility but also builds lasting relationships with stakeholders.

Chidinma Nwankwo

                         Head of Business/COO, Quadrant MSL

Another key aspect of modern PR is the integration of traditional and digital media. While digital channels offer unparalleled reach and engagement, traditional media still holds significant influence, particularly in markets where digital penetration is lower. A successful PR strategy seamlessly blends both, ensuring that messages are reinforced across all platforms.


As we look to the future, the role of PR professionals will continue to evolve. The rise of artificial intelligence and machine learning presents exciting opportunities for more personalized and predictive communications. These technologies can help us understand audience behavior better, tailor our messages more precisely, and measure the impact of our efforts with greater accuracy.


However, amidst all the technological advancements, the core principles of PR remain unchanged. Authenticity, transparency, and trust are the pillars of effective communication. No matter how sophisticated our tools become, the human element—our ability to connect, empathize, and inspire—will always be at the heart of what we do.


On this World PR Day, I encourage my fellow PR professionals to embrace the digital revolution while staying true to the fundamental values of our craft. Let’s harness the power of technology to tell meaningful stories, foster genuine connections, and drive positive change in our communities.


As we continue to innovate and adapt, I am excited about the endless possibilities that lie ahead. Together, we can unlock the full potential of strategic communication in a digital world and shape a brighter future for our industry and the clients we serve.